
Getting Started

Hello, we are glad you’re here! We need contributors to help PatternFly improve and grow. While code contributions are important, there are many ways that you can get involved and help out.

This page contains some tips and guidelines for contributing to PatternFly. These are just guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

Read Our Code Of Conduct

PatternFly adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. As a PatternFly community member, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct, whether that be attending a community meeting, replying to the mailing list or contributing.

Contact Us

By contacting the community you can get feedback on the contributions or ideas that you’re excited about. Here are the best ways to get in touch:

  • Chat (IRC):
  • Mailing List:
    • Subscribe to our mailing list to participate or follow a variety of discussions on both technical and design topics. This is also a good place to ask questions, gather requirements, or join forces with other community members. Older threads are found in the archive.
  • Community Meetings:
    • PatternFly hosts a monthly community meeting to discuss upcoming sprint work as well as review ongoing or completed work. Check the Monthly Community Meeting page for details about upcoming meetings or to view prior recordings and slides. Reach out to us on the mailing list ([email protected]) if you have suggestions on how we might improve the meeting format or want to add a topic for discussion on the agenda for an upcoming meeting.


Reports Bugs

Before creating a bug report, check the list of known bugs and open issues. Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues. When you create a bug report, include as many details as possible, use a clear and descriptive title, and remember that an image is worth a thousand words, so try to add images and links to rawgit when possible.

Proposing or Modifying a Design

You may want to start by sharing your idea on the mailing list ([email protected]) to kick off the discussion. A design proposal may have many forms, but it should answer these questions:

  • What is the name of the design pattern or component?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • When do you use it or what are the use cases?

Once your design proposal is ready for review, send a pull request (PR) written in markdown to the PatternFly Doc repo. The PR will be a way to discuss and refine the design with the goal of merging it as PatternFly documentation and making it viewable on Design documents are living documents, therefore new PRs may be opened to add to or modify the documentation as necessary.

If you don’t know how to send a PR using GitHub, don’t worry! We are aware that GitHub was created by and for developers. That’s why we’ve created guides to get you up and running. If you need additional help, contact us.

Contributing code

Check out our PatternFly Code Guide. Both developers and designers review PRs, so if you are committing a new design or modifying an existing design, be sure to add a link to a graphic or a working version on rawgit so that designers can preview the request.

To provide as much background as possible to reviewers, when possible, provide a link to the design documentation or specification that supported the development of the code. If you need help or guidance, contact us.

The PR will be reviewed by the community and merged once two people from the team approve it.