Brian Leathem

4 minute read


RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha3 has been released. With this third alpha release of RichFaces 5 we are providing compatibility with JSF 2.2. Go download WildFly and give the JSF 2.2 capabilities of this release a spin.

To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 5.0.0.Alpha3. For more information on setting up a RichFaces application, refer to our getting started guide.

RichFaces 4 compatibility

We are keeping forward compatibility front of mind with an updated release of RichFaces UI 4.5.0.Alpha2. This release of the RichFaces 4 UI components has been updated to work with the latest RichFaces 5 core.

Release Notes

This release does not provide any new components, but rather focuses on JSF 2.2 compatibility. Looking through the issues resolved you can see both a number of component specific fixes as well as some framework "core" fixes.

Note: While this release adds support for JSF 2.2, you are still free to use RichFaces 5 with JSF 2.1


  • RF-11973 - rich:contextMenu - after ajax re-render of table contextMenu no longer works

  • RF-12813 - rich:panelMenuItem executes action even if disabled attribute evaluates to true

  • RF-12865 - Correct deferred partial response ending by leveraging PVC wrapper chain

  • RF-13040 - Examples don’t work on WildFly

  • RF-13041 - Metamer: demos throw NullPointerException

  • RF-13062 - r:validator stops working

  • RF-13093 - EPVC: ViewState must be written even for transient (stateless) views

  • RF-13168 - 3rd party JSF component disappears on RichFaces ajax refresh

  • RF-13197 - Input with name javax.faces.ViewState is not rendered after submit

  • RF-13198 - ITAutoRegisteredPushServlet fails with - Async is not supported for this request on WildFly80

  • RF-13199 - Framework tests does not include all needed classes to the deployment when deploying on WildFly

  • RF-13208 - Push: error "not well-formed" appears in browser console in Firefox - make messages a valid XML

  • RF-13239 - Popup panel: CSS class rf-pp-hdr contains invalid property repeat-x

  • RF-13252 - a4j:ajax includes jsf.js script twice

  • RF-13317 - ExtendedPartialViewContextImpl should specify correct javax.faces.ViewState id in startUpdate()

  • RF-13358 - rich:panelMenuGroup allowing actions executions even if originally disabled

  • RF-13369 - autocomplete problem in glassfish 4 with jsf 2.2

  • RF-13379 - Build on Travis fails due to NoClassDefFoundEx.: javax/servlet/Servlet (during framework resource optimization)

  • RF-13417 - Some warp-based framework tests fail on WildFly with exception 'Could not inject members'

  • RF-13420 - Showcase - WARNING No mime type could be found for file fontawesome-webfont.woff is logged

  • RF-13444 - r:fileUpload throws IOException "Request prolog cannot be read"

  • RF-13455 - The rich:tabPanel no longer visits tab header facets while rendering a response.

  • RF-13472 - Action listener: binding doesn’t work

  • RF-13496 - StackOverflowError in RendererBase.encodeEnd

  • RF-13498 - Photoalbum - shutting down server with deployed app will throw JdbcSQLException:

  • RF-13508 - Deprecate reslib resource file - RF 4.5/5

  • RF-13513 - CollectionDataModel API is not available on pre-JSF 2.1 that poses backward compatibility problem

  • RF-13518 - Action Listener - invoking from composite component does not work

  • RF-13519 - Stackoverflow in CharRendererBase

  • RF-13520 - mediaOutput: NPE is thrown when used with CDI beans and JSF 2.2

Component Upgrade

  • RF-13432 - Upgrade framework build to JSF 2.2

  • RF-13438 - Update jboss-parent to 12

  • RF-13454 - Upgrade integration tests use of WildFly to 8.0.0.CR1

  • RF-13481 - Upgrade to Warp 1.0.0.Alpha6


  • RF-13278 - Add support for a 'header' meta-component to the rich:tabPanel

  • RF-13307 - Support java.util.Collection in iteration components

  • RF-13314 - Deprecate reslib resource files

  • RF-13494 - Make the RichFaces RendererBase decode/encode* methods final


  • RF-13248 - Switch RichFaces smoke tests to run on WildFly 8 by default

  • RF-13343 - Page Fragments: Re-implement setupFragmentFromWidget() methods using component options access

  • RF-13448 - Add javadoc to the SequenceIterationStatus class

  • RF-13517 - Mark all framework tests that requires JSF 2.2 with a new @Category(RequiresJSF22)

Next steps

We have begun work on RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha4. Our fourth alpha release will provide some additional component migrations to the new RichWidget-based architecture and the associated Bootstrap-based style.