Brian Leathem

2 minute read

JAXConf 2013

I will be returning to speak at JAXConf again this year. I’ll be speaking on the topic of Poly-framework Web applications with Java EE. The session will further explore the ideas I presented in my Polyglot Widgets blog, where I demoed a sample application written using three different web frameworks, demonstrating both a consistent look & feel, and uniform server-side programming model.

This topic will be particularly useful for those JAX attendees that have existing applications in production, yet like what they see with new web technologies and frameworks that they will learn about while attending JAXConf. Attendees may be curious how they can take advantage of the latest and greatest without re-writing already working software.

My JAXConf session will explore both client-side and server side techniques to allow disparate web frameworks to used side by side in a single application while providing users a consistent look & feel. We’ll look at sharing state between web frameworks, responding to server-side events with asynchronous http communication, and framework interop within a single page.

So if you are in the area from June 3-5 (or even if you are not!), come and check out my session at JAXConf. JAXConf has put together yet another roster of fantastic speakers and an excellent selection of topics. I look forward to attending many of the sessions myself, and am sure I will learn a lot!