Brian Leathem

3 minute read


We have a first candidate release for RichFaces 4.5 (4.5.0.CR1) available. With this candidate release we’ve further improved our stability over our beta releases, with a special focus on backwards compatibility with RichFaces 4.3. Read below for details of what is included in this release.

To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 4.5.0.CR1. For more information on setting up a RichFaces 4 application, refer to our getting started guide.

Compatibility with RichFaces 4.3

RichFaces 4.5 is a significant release introducing many changes to the framework. However with all these changes maintaining backwards compatibility with RichFaces 4.3 has been a priority. As such, RichFaces 4.5 should be a drop in replacement into your applications, provided you make the necessary changes in your pom.xml.

Any breaking changes with RichFaces 4.5 are being tracked in our GitHub wiki migration page. Please update that wiki page with a Pull Request if you find any incompatibilities.


  • RF-8904 - Update project build to integrate jsDoc

  • RF-12312 - rich:select - duplicate labels

  • RF-13290 - Push framework tests fail after upgrade to 1.0.17 (probably Warp issue)

  • RF-13504 - Test that the ExtendedPartialViewContext writes the ClientWindow ID updates to the partial response

  • RF-13522 - Component reference - text for links to figures doesn’t contain "Figure" prefix

  • RF-13788 - ExtendedDataTable supports the undocumented attribute "render"

  • RF-13812 - rich:validator misunderstands EL expressions inside Bean Validation 1.1

  • RF-13816 - Include Page Fragments in the RichFaces distribution and javadoc

  • RF-13818 - JSF server vs application Please upgrade to at least Mojarra 2.1.28 or 2.2.6

  • RF-13821 - InputNumber* component class changes cause backward compatibility problems

  • RF-13822 - Mobile showcase: fileupload sample is not working [myfaces]

  • RF-13823 - showcase: contextMenu: missing picturesUtils.js resource [myfaces]

  • RF-13826 - Media output: onclick doesn’t work

  • RF-13827 - Selection mode simple and multiple in ExtendedDataTable throws JS error in Chrome 36

  • RF-13830 - Tooltip not attached must specify target=""

  • RF-13838 - is missing method setPartialRequest

  • RF-13840 - a4j:jsFunction - oncomplete is called twice

  • RF-13843 - rich:fileUpload should use feature detection for File API

  • RF-13846 - page-fragments: orderingList, pickList: rename method getContentAreaElements to getContentAreaElement

  • RF-13848 - page-fragments: orderingList: remove duplicated field

  • RF-13849 - page-fragments: pickList: stackoverflow in orderingList part

Component Upgrade

  • RF-13475 - NullPointException when using Richfaces with ehcache

  • RF-13841 - Upgrade Selenium to 2.43.1


  • RF-13414 - The showcase chart demo of event handling renders seemingly redundant info

  • RF-13831 - Review page fragments

  • RF-13832 - Built-in filtering and sorting inside richcollapsibleSubTable

  • RF-13833 - Doc for r:tree selectionChangeListener attribute is misplaced with toggleListener attribute doc

  • RF-13847 - page-fragments: pickList: rename methods for returning contentAreaElement

  • RF-13850 - page-fragments: refactor implementation part of collapsiblePanel, dataGrid, fileUpload, inplaceSelect, orderingList, pickList


  • RF-13834 - Alias the javascript method RichFaces.component to RichFaces.$

  • RF-13835 - Revert package and class names changes in 4.5

  • RF-13837 - Add "chart" prefix to chart components

Next steps

We will let this 4.5.0.CR1 release "bake" in the community for the next week, and determine from your feedback whether or not we need a 4.5.0.CR2 release. If no blockers are found, we will re-spin this 4.5.0.CR1 release as our 4.5.0.Final release. So please be sure to this release out in your applications and file any issues ASAP!