
Brian Leathem

2 minute read

It seems like just yesterday that I found myself awestruck with awestruct, and yet here I am today reviving my blog with a new site building tool called Hugo. The motivation for this was two-fold. My awestruct/Asciidoctor gem configuration had fallen out of date, and needed some TLC to get working again. I wanted to learn Go. While I’ve successfully migrated my blog/site to hugo, I have not managed to realize goal 2 and learn about Go in the process!

Brian Leathem

3 minute read

I’m officially “Awestruct”:! with this launch of my new blog. My old “ blog”: will soon redirect here, as I have ported over all the content. Thanks for keeping the data Open by providing a data export API! It has me leaving your great service with a nothing but positive experience. If you haven’t heard, Awestruct is a great Ruby-based tool for building static HTML websites. A project originally started by “Bob McWhirter”:http://bob.

Brian Leathem

4 minute read

I’ve been toying with the idea of moving from svn to a distributed version control system (dvcs) for a long time. I held back, hoping the mercurial (hg) vs. git “war” would declare a winner, but as major projects started adopting the two dvcs’s, it became apparent to me that neither tool was going to disappear anytime soon. This notion was cemented for me when I read a forum post saying hg = git >> svnThat settled it.